Friday, October 26, 2007

Child Poverty: BC Leads the Country In Spite of $4.1 billion Budget Surplus

POVERTY: Each and Every Child: Understanding and working with children in the poorest and most difficult situations [publication] [25 October 2007] - This report discusses the challenges that confront Plan and other child-focused organisations as they seek to assist those children whose rights are most violated and who are living in some of the poorest and most difficult situations in the world. Organisations have mainly worked with these children according to different categories, such as street children, children in conflict with the law and children in the worst forms of child labour. However, many children have multiple problems and belong to more than one category or move between categories over time. Many of the root causes and factors that impact on the lives of these children are similar. There is therefore the need to develop a more holistic approach, particularly in terms of prevention. This report proposes a framework that can help staff think about working with these groups of children from an integrated, child-centred and rights-based development perspective.Working with children in the poorest and most difficult situations is important because of significant inequities both within and between countries, and the increasing concentration of poverty among specific marginalised groups in many cases. Within marginalised groups, poverty and lack of opportunity are experienced disproportionately by children. As a result, very large numbers of children live their lives without adequate care and protection from adults and are excluded from the benefits of their societies. In their choice of where and with whom to work, child-focused organisations therefore need to consider how the impact of poverty is distributed between different social groups and within the family, as well as its geographic distribution.Further information

Senior UN official urges rights based approach to achieving anti-poverty targets (10 July 2007)

Plan report: Because I am a Girl: The State of the World's Girls 2007 (May 2007)

For more information, contact:Plan International - HQChobham House, Christchurch Way, Woking, Surrey GU12 1JGTel: +44 1483 755 155 / 733 285; Fax: +44 1483 756 505Email: info@plan-international.orgWebsite:

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