Thursday, February 10, 2005

Pivot & Child Care & BC Govt. Computer Security

Pivot Legal Society

Located in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside, Pivot is a non-profit legal advocacy organization that focuses its efforts strategically to address the legal and human rights challenges commonly faced by those on the fringes of society, such as sex workers, illegal drug addicts, and the homeless.

Child care advocates make feelings known to minister
Feb, 10 2005 - 4:00 PM

VANCOUVER (CKNW/AM980)-- The federal Minister of Social Development meets with his provincial counterparts tomorrow to work out the details of a new child care agreement, and today, child care advocates asked Ken Dryden to make sure that all of the funding promised for that program stays in child care.

They say B.C. has received nearly a quarter billion dollars for early childhood development over the past four years, but the provincial government keeps slashing its own child care budget.

Debra Mayer with the Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada says politicians have been promising a national childcare program for more than two decades, and now it's time to ante up.

BC Government to increase computer security
Feb, 10 2005 - 10:00 AM

VANCOUVER/CKNW(AM980) – The B-C government is spending an extra eight million dollars over the next two years to increase the security of its computer systems.

Management Services Minister Joyce Murray says that’s a 75 percent boost in I-T security spending, made necessary by the rising tide of computer viruses and spam.

Murray says there were 8-million attempts to infect government computers with viruses and worms.

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